Saturday, October 24, 2009

Investors & Friends:

Here's a summary of our investment actions from the past week.

Long Stocks

1) We sold Fundtech Ltd (Nasdaq: FNDT) on 10/20 @ $13.92 for a .36% gain.

Return calculation = ($13.92 sale price - $13.87 buy price) / $13.87 buy price x 100% = .36%

Option Strategies - Naked Puts

2) Moody's Corp (NYSE: MCO) - We sold January out-of-the-money puts.

Short Strategies

3) We shorted the St. Joe Company (NYSE: JOE) on 10/21 @ $27.19. Our target price range is $24.29 - $24.82, and our stop is set at $29.80.

The Investrio Stock Selector Fund Bull and Bear Market Indicators Report for the week ending 10-23 is attached.

Lead Fund Manager


We're watching the dollar (UUP) as it approaches support at $22. If it breaks support, then the stock market may go up another leg. If the dollar doesn't break support, then this will add another data point to the 'market is topping and running out of steam' hypothesis.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Investors & Friends:

There is no new investment activity to report since our last weekly update.

The Investrio Stock Selector Fund Bull and Bear Market Indicators Report for the week ending 10-16 is attached.

Lead Fund Manager

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Investors & Friends:

There is no new investment activity to report since our last weekly update.

The Investrio Stock Selector Fund Bull and Bear Market Indicators Report for the week ending 10-9 is attached.

Lead Fund Manager

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Investors & Friends:

Here's a summary of our investment actions from the past week.

Option Strategies - Covered Calls

1) Blackstone Group LP (NYSE: BX) - Our Dec calls reached 80+% of their maximum value, so we closed them out. We're looking to sell another round when the premiums improve.

Option Strategies - Naked Puts

2) Holly Corp (NYSE: HOC) - We sold December out-of-the-money puts.

3) Nasdaq OMX Group Inc (Nasdaq: NDAQ) - We sold December out-of-the-money puts.

IPO Opportunities

4) We sold A123 Systems Inc (Nasdaq: AONE) on 10/1 @ $23.56 for a 21.6% gain.

Return calculation = ($23.56 sale price - $19.37 buy price) / $19.37 buy price = 21.6%

Short Strategies

5) We bought ProShares UltraShort FTSE Xinhua China 25 (NYSE: FXP) on 9/30 @ $9.87.

The Investrio Stock Selector Fund Bull and Bear Market Indicators Report for the week ending 10-2 is attached.

Lead Fund Manager