Sunday, June 27, 2010

Investors & Friends:

There is no new investment activity to report since our last weekly update.

Click here for the Investrio Stock Selector Fund Bull and Bear Market Indicators Report for the week ending June 25, 2010.

Click here for upcoming IPOs.

Lead Fund Manager


1) "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."
-- Aristotle

2) "Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up."
-- Charlie Munger

3) The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC) resumes Wednesday. Click here for what's on tap.

4) Advances in video technology and a need to reduce medical costs have made interactive telemedicine a growing business. Click here.

5) More mini flash crashes and odd trades... Washington Post stock surge triggers new circuit breaker, Diebold stock swing etc. Click here.

6) Report concerning the crisis state governments face. My favorite quote in here is from NY Governor David Paterson. “On planet Albany there is no gravity, and light bends right around the Capitol.”

7) Ten nuggets of wisdom from Charlie Munger's investing checklist:
1. Measure Risk: building a margin of safety; avoid permanent loss of capital
2. Be independent: avoid herd mentality; embrace independent thought
3. Prepare Ahead: become a life-long learner; ask why?
4. Have intellectual humility: know what you don't know
5. Analyze rigorously: focus on value not price; use checklists
6. Allocate assets wisely: proper allocation is essential; don't be afraid to increase your bet when the odds are in your favor
7. Have patience: resist the natural human bias to act; minimize transaction costs
8. Be decisive: Don't be afraid to act when opportunity arises
9. Be ready for change: recognize and adapt; challenge your best ideas often
10. Stay focused: keep things simple; reputation and integrity are your most valuable assets

8) The second housing crisis is here. Click here for the full article.” Excerpt: Recently, the chief economist for Fannie Mae (FNM) bluntly stated the obvious: Some of the absurd real estate developments "might have to be torn down."

The reality is that most of these "exurb" housing units will have to be torn down, along with some of the worst areas of "urban blight" in the U.S. In many of the most economically devastated U.S. cities, the combination of waves of foreclosures, crime and a lack of city funding for basic maintenance have left vast areas looking like Baghdad during the worst periods of the U.S. invasion.

The Fannie Mae economist offered no specifics or ideas of any kind on how many units would have to be destroyed, and (naturally) left open who would absorb the massive bank losses on these demolitions. Obviously, as a fellow bankster, the Fannie Mae economist didn't think that Wall Street would or should absorb any of its own losses. (Isn't that what the Federal Reserve's printing press is for?)

In the real world, this demolition process has already begun. Some new housing developments have already been quietly bulldozed, while at least one U.S. city is already deeply into planning mass demolitions of entire neighborhoods.

These were realities that totally contradicted the mythical "U.S. economic recovery", and so were ignored by media propagandists and politicians alike.

Sadly, what Americans are about to discover is that instead of being more than one year into a "U.S. economic recovery," they are standing in the "eye" of an economic hurricane. This period of false stability is over.

The pretend bottom in the housing market is gone. The feeble wave of Census hiring is over. The flood of "stimulus dollars" has slowed to a trickle, and bankrupt state and local governments now either will have to formally default or radically slash spending and raise taxes to prevent such bankruptcies. When the government-sponsored enterprises, which bankroll 95% of U.S. mortgages, start talking about demolishing homes, you know that "the party is over."

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Investors & Friends:

Here's a summary of our investment actions from the past week.

Option Strategies - Covered Calls

1) Infinera Corp (Nasdaq: INFN) - We sold Jan '11 $10.00 calls.

Click here for the Investrio Stock Selector Fund Bull and Bear Market Indicators Report for the week ending June 18, 2010.

Click here for the Investrio Stock Selector Fund Watchlist.

Click here for upcoming IPOs.

This week Investrio reached another significant milestone. Investrio agreed to manage investment funds for its third client.

Lead Fund Manager

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Investors & Friends:

Here's a summary of our investment actions from the past week.

Option Strategies - Covered Calls

1) Infinera Corp (Nasdaq: INFN) - Our July calls reached 80+% of their maximum value, so we closed them out.

Option Strategies - Naked Puts

2) Goldcorp Inc (NYSE: GG) - Our October puts reached 80+% of their maximum value, so we closed them out.

Click here for the Investrio Stock Selector Fund Bull and Bear Market Indicators Report for the week ending June 11, 2010.

Click here for the Investrio Stock Selector Fund Watchlist.

Click here for upcoming IPOs.

Lead Fund Manager

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Investors & Friends:

There is no new investment activity to report since our last weekly update.

Click here for the Investrio Stock Selector Fund Bull and Bear Market Indicators Report for the week ending June 4, 2010. We added 3 new books to the "Library Resources" page.

Click here for the Investrio Stock Selector Fund Watchlist.

Click here for upcoming IPOs.

Lead Fund Manager