Sunday, September 26, 2010

Investors & Friends:

Here's a summary of our investment actions from the past week.

Option Strategies - Naked Puts

1) Adobe Systems Inc (Nasdaq: ADBE) - We sold April $15.00 puts. On Wednesday Adobe was down 21% resulting from its guidance for the fourth quarter. Adobe is a company with a wide moat, i.e., a durable competitive advantage versus its peers in the software industry, graphic design niche. Its Great Recession low was $15.70 on 2/23/09.

Click here for the Investrio Stock Selector Fund Bull and Bear Market Indicators Report for the week ending September 24, 2010.

Click here for upcoming IPOs.

Lead Fund Manager


1) "I always keep some stalwarts in my portfolio, because they offer pretty good protection during recessions and hard times. In general, Bristol-Myers and Kellogg, Coca-Cola and MMM, Ralston Purina and Procter and Gamble, are good friends in a crisis. You know they won't go bankrupt, and soon enough they will be reassessed and their value will be restored." -- Peter Lynch

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