Sunday, November 11, 2012

Investors & Friends:

Here's a summary of our investment actions from the past week.

Option Strategies - Naked Puts

1) Qualcomm Inc (Nasdaq: QCOM) - We sold Jan '14 $30.00 puts.

Click here for the Investrio Stock Selector Fund Bull and Bear Market Indicators Report for the week ending November 9, 2012.

Click here for upcoming IPOs.

Lead Fund Manager


1) Now that the U.S. election is over, Europe and the U.S. fiscal cliff are returning to the foreground. Between now and year-end, the U.S. will have to raise the debt ceiling again. If the process goes as awful as last year, we can reasonably expect another market sell-off and credit rating downgrade. If Congress kicks the can down the road on the expiration of the Bush tax cuts or sequestration (automatic spending cuts and tax increases resulting from the failure of the super committee to reach an agreement), we can reasonably expect another credit rating downgrade. If Congress lets the Bush tax cuts expire and/or sequestration kick in, it is likely the U.S will head back into recession. These are two extremes. There are other compromise scenarios that can be reached, like letting the tax cuts expire for the rich but not the middle class. Changes to the tax code can be enacted. Changes to entitlements like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security can be enacted. The bulk of this will have to occur during a lame duck session of Congress. One thing I think we can count on from now to year-end is increased market volatility and uncertainty, so now is an optimal time to make a watch list of stocks and be prepared to pull the trigger when the market sells off and volatility spikes.

Here is a live stream of fiscal cliff happenings provided by the Wall Street Journal... Fiscal Cliff Live Stream

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